DIGITAL ONBOARDING TOOLKIT Identity Verification as a Service

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Create trust and prevent fraud on your platform. Protect your business using certified AI-powered identity verification solution. It is fast, secure and easy to integrate.

Proven Track Record of Trusted Remote Identity Verification Projects

Finance Customer onboarding System integrators eKYC Finance Customer onboarding Telco SIM registration
Finance Customer onboarding
Finance Customer onboarding
Telco SIM registration
System integrators Customer onboarding
Digital security Digital certificates and e-signatures
Finance Banking as a Service
System integrators Digital security
Finance ID data extraction
System integrators Customer onboarding
System integrators Customer onboarding
System integrators SIM registration
System integrators ID data extraction
Digital Security Onboarding as a service
System integrators Insurance registration
System integrators Attendance

How does Identity Verification Service help your business?

Self Enrollment Module icon

Simplify your onboarding process

Onboard new customers from anywhere with a frictionless, fully automated solution

Access station icon

Stop fraudulent users

Prevent fraud and identity theft with proprietary document verification and facial biometrics technology

Face_Recognition icon

Streamline identity verification

Reduce the cost of customer acquisition and minimize errors from manual data input


Integrate without any hassle

Integrate seamlessly into your website without complex development, saving time and resources

How does Identity Verification Service work?

The identity verification process is initiated from your platform 

A user’s identity verification process is redirected to a cloud service. All they need to do is press the button and the whole process is handled by Identity Verification as a Service.

  • The verification process runs in a new window on a secure server 
  • Easy integration into your application
  • Available in all browsers and mobile devices
Remote Identity Verification as a service

User takes a picture of their identity document

The user is asked to take pictures of both sides of their identity document. This helps to automatically extract text data using proprietary OCR technology from the identity document and reduces error rate.

  • Extensive identity documents library with supported documents from 180+ countries
  • AI-assisted photo capture feature guides the user to automatically capture the best-quality picture
  • The authenticity of the identity document is proven by checking logical data and visual cues
Identity Verification as a Service

User takes a selfie

A selfie photo of the user is required to ensure the right person is trying to enter your platform.

  • AI-assisted photo capture guides the user to automatically capture the best-quality picture
  • Certified state-of-the-art technology is employed for checking the facial features of the user
  • Fraudulent onboarding attempts using printed photos, masks, or deepfakes are detected at this point
passive liveness detection

Identity is evaluated by Identity Verification Service

A series of checks runs in the background during the identity verification process. A response with the verification status and user details is sent back to your platform in just a few seconds.

  • A face on the identity document is biometrically matched with the selfie
  • Liveness check on the selfie and document authenticity checks are evaluated
  • GDPR compliant, no personal data is stored by the Identity Verification Service
ABIS - Remote onboarding smartphone

Identity Verification Use Cases

DOT - Shared-Economy-Use-Case

Sharing economy

Verify your users’ identity not only upon sign-up to your services but every time they log in to their account. The whole process is paperless and completely online.

  • Car sharing
  • Crowdfunding
  • Marketplaces
Online Hotel Check-in with Innovatrics Remote Identity Verification


Leveraging fully automated online check-in, guests are able to self-manage the check-in process completely online using their mobile devices or desktops.

  • Vacation rentals
  • Event ticketing
  • Travel agencies
Face recognition in gaming


Verify the identity and age of the gamers to comply with regulatory requirements and prevent online gaming fraud.

  • Betting
  • E-gaming
  • Casinos
Innovatrics identity verification for air bank

Tech Industry

Onboard users, activate policies, authenticate clients, and process claims securely while protecting your organisation from identity fraud.

  • FinTech
  • InsurTech
  • HealTech
  • LegalTech
Afis e-passport Solution

Freelance services

Improve the security of your business with remote identity verification of the service providers.

  • Temporary employment
  • Babysitting
  • Au pair
Digital Lending with remote identity verification


Verify and register customers remotely via mobile app or web using Identity Verification as a Service.

  • Consumer loans
  • P2P lending
  • Buy now pay later

Pricing of the Identity Verification Service

Transparent pricing for business at every stage of growth.
Choose a plan based on your verification needs. No hidden fees.

Identity Verification as a Service
1.10 €/verification

Prepaid plan
No commitment

Identity Verification as a Service
100 €

Monthly pay
Up to 100 transactions with 100 € minimal commitment

Identity Verification as a Service
450 €

Monthly pay
Up to 500 transactions with 450 € minimal commitment

All plans include access to your personal dashboard to manage subscriptions and monitor transactions.

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